Pizza toast

Here is an idea that GO ME, I have NO pictures for!! It is an easy, fun kids lunch idea. My kids love it and they aren’t big bread eaters!

Ingredients for 1 piece of pizza toast

1 slice of bread

9 slices of pepperoni

1 slice of cheese or a sprinkling of shredded cheese

pizza sauce

A toaster oven would be the easiest method to make this. Set to a desired temp and watch for the cheese to melt. Another way (and the way I usually do this) pop your bread in the toaster. While its toasting layer the pepperoni to an eyeball as to how much you would need to cover the bread and top with cheese. microwave for 15 seconds. When toast is ready spread some pizza sauce on the bread, top with pepperoni and cheese. VOILA . so stupidly easy!!

This can also be made with a wide variety of toppings and sauces, this is just my munchkins preferences for pizza toast. Something different than sandwiches!

Happy Cooking!

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