Oh whiskey balls, oh whiskey balls…

HHaha it is NOT as dirty as you are thinking. 

So, my honey wants whiskey balls (a dessert like rum balls but whiskey instead because whiskey is better). Well, I spaced an ingredient (there’s only like 5) so these whiskey balls became freaking potent! 90% whiskey, 10% cookie lol.

Make your own whiskey balls:

3 cups crushed vanilla wafers (I run mine through a ninja blender)

1 1/2 T light Karo syrup

1 cup powdered sugar

1/2 cup whiskey

1 cup chopped pecans (ha I forgot!)

Mix everything but powdered sugar. Roll Tablespoon sized ball and then toss it around in powdered sugar. Refrigerate. 

So simple, so easy and I forgot pecans! I’m sure I’ll be drunk off 2 balls. 

Again, don’t make that dirty, talking food here folks!

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